Monday, May 25, 2009

No rain and lots of wind = dryish paddocks

Yea no rain today.

Day 5 of the driveway game. Leading from the mane, forward to go, swinging back to halt plus my energy and rope for safety net. I need to remember hands close slowly and open fast, and remember my phases. Put the dates on the fences posts and of course Buzz had to check out each fence post in case it had a date.

As the paddock is fairly dry went and played OL with poles and fig.8 anything we can find. Some of the poles are quite big and Buzz really enjoys jumping over them also because he gets g&t.

Decided my nice new Parelli saddle was not in danger of getting wet would have a ride.
Played with the poles and fig.8 anything. Rode around the paddock and up the driveway. Buzz really enjoyed riding up the driveway checking each post for a date.
Sadly he had eaten then all but i had a couple in my pocket.

He seemed to enjoy it we only had one tiny drama when the BGB rolled down to the fence and then the wind was blowing it from side to side. Just head up ears pricked so played a lot of approach and retreat. Also discovered he does not like his ears touched while i am on him. So will have to add that in to the program.


  1. maybe I am too precious about pogging up my paddocks!!
    I went to buy some dates today but they were like $1 each!
    Looking forward to the sun tomorrow. I am taking the day off.
    What's BGB - OH THE BALL?

  2. Interesting he isn't keen on his ears being touched while you are on board!! Rafiki loves the 'hunt the carrot' game too - she remembers it for weeks and the twins have caught on - usually when they go in the arena they all go around 'just checking' oh except for Cam who doesn't see the point unless she has just seen me put them there!
