We have had several sunny days in a row so i decided to go play on the beach. This is a continuation of the driveway game except now its on the beach. It also give me the opportunity to check out several things.
1. What does my horse look like when he is bored/curious/emotional/afraid.
2. As the drive to the beach is a short one, i can check out float fitness, what
knot to know.
We had the whole beach to ourselves and Buzz was very calm and enjoyed the walk along the beach. Patterns are wonderful because its gives me a plan, i can fig.8 around rocks, pools, shells, there is a little fence we can jump over and a concrete pad to stand on. I have to add he put his little hoofs on first ask and it was about 3 foot high.
We had two RB issues. On was a beautiful big black horse in a paddock beside the beach. Buzz did this floaty trot, head up, tail up. It lasted for only maybe a minute and looked beautiful. I did not read it that he was afraid more he was displaying his dominance over this beautiful black horse. The second was a large rock which to him looked like a "horse eating rock" and he was afraid.
Both reactions were RB reactions. With the 2nd we just played with approach and retreat. With the big black horse, i did nothing, i just stepped back and watch the beautiful display, fortunately he came back very quickly and we continued our walk. I was glad we were on line. But it made me think "what would i do if i was on board". Listen to the little voice that says "get off" and how important not to get tight he will not stay RB for very long. It was interesting how quickly Buzz went back to his LB self.
Covers on the Boys tonight. Brrr its cold.